iTouch Wearables Blog
How To Eat Healthier at Your Labor Day BBQ
Attending a Labor Day Barbecue does not have to wreak havoc on your diet or fitness goals. You can still enjoy a BBQ with your family and friends and engage in healthy eating by using these easy ti...
A Beginner's Guide to Carbonated Water
From seltzer to club soda to sparkling water, carbonated water comes in a variety of different forms, but all carbonated water is not created equal. Certain carbonated water variations are healthy...
Best Labor Day Weekend Getaways
Every now and then with the stress of work, back-to-school, and even just life in general, you might need to get away. Trust me when I say that I am extremely with you on that one. With Labor Day j...
5 Best Back-To-School Accessories To Get For This Fall
If you're a parent that has suddenly been thrust into the role of teacher as well, or if you're simply preparing your child for hybrid learning, you may find yourself feeling a little unprepared. I...
What's Healthy at Wendy's?
Fast food restaurants notoriously serve up unhealthy food, and most health gurus advise that you avoid them like the plague... But if you're anything like me, then you know that despite it's bad re...
What is the Correct Rep Range for Weight Loss?
The last time you went to the gym to lift weights, how many sets and reps did you do of each exercise? The answer is probably the same for most people: 3 sets of 10 reps. If you are like me though,...
How Can Our PlayZoom Smartwatches Help With Back To School?
One of the most exciting aspects of starting a new school year is shopping for fun supplies! The 2020 school year will be unlike any we've experienced before. However, whether your kids are returni...
A Beginner's Guide To Hybrid Learning
Over the course of the past few months, the world has changed unexpectedly - and perhaps, even a little drastically. With COVID-19 and the global pandemic taking force and forever changing our worl...
Best Workouts To Incorporate During Your Hike
There is something quite remarkable and lovely about being surrounded by nature. Within its peaceful quietness and serenity, hitting the trails for a long hike can be practically meditative. For ma...