What To Do With Your Kids During The Coronavirus Pandemic

What To Do With Your Kids During The Coronavirus Pandemic

With schools, learning centers, and even day-cares now closed in most states because of the Coronavirus and the length of those closures looking increasingly long each day, millions of parents find...
How To Not "Fool" Yourself Into Breaking Your Workout Habits

How To Not "Fool" Yourself Into Breaking Your Workout Habits

Surprise! You won a lifetime trip around the world - all expenses paid! Sit on the many warm beaches of the Republic of Palau while you sip that pineapple cocktail you've been dreaming of, or spend...
Favorite Pantry-Recipes For Quarantine

Favorite Pantry-Recipes For Quarantine

As we are encouraged to practice social distancing in an attempt to help “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are choosing to cook at home. While it may seem like a ch...
The Healing Power Of Reiki

The Healing Power Of Reiki

Reiki is a simple process that can have a profound effect on the body. In the easiest of terms, reiki is an energy healing technique that works holistically on the body, meaning that it uses natura...
Self-Care During Social Distancing

Self-Care During Social Distancing

Amid COVID-19, for many, their day-to-day life almost seems to have come to an unexpected stop. With many being asked to stay home and seek refuge among Netflix series, Hulu binges, and maybe the o...
An Inside Scoop on Flexitarianism - (Semi-Vegetarianism)

An Inside Scoop on Flexitarianism - (Semi-Vegetarianism)

Have you tried the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle but still get a craving for meat and the perfect home-cooked steak? Or looking to try to ease your way into a more healthier diet or lifestyle? Try ...
Your Guide For Social Distancing

Your Guide For Social Distancing

Social Distancing - where did that term even come from? It is a weird thing to think about, but during these strange times, it might just be one of the most crucial things we need to start adapting...
Why Am I Dehydrated But Not Thirsty?

Why Am I Dehydrated But Not Thirsty?

Although New Year's is long gone, it is still important to create better habits that can be beneficial to our own health and fitness. While working out, losing weight, and gaining muscle may be som...
What Is The Coronavirus Pandemic

What Is The Coronavirus Pandemic

When it comes to the news, time and time again we are hearing about the pandemic known as Coronavirus or COVID-19. For some, it can be hard to differentiate between what is news and fact from that ...