How I Use My Smartwatch In A Day

How I Use My Smartwatch In A Day

After four years of being a barista (early mornings starting a shift at 5:30am), my body will not physically let me sleep past 7:30am. I awake to the sounds of my neighbors getting ready for their days, the bustling of the children heading off to school or the block's dogs barking at the cars going by. I, sometimes rather ungracefully, roll out of bed and grab my smartwatch, preparing myself to tackle the day. I find that, ever since receiving my first iTouch Air, that my life as been filled with ease and an increasing comfort in what I want to do for my day.

Everyday seems to start the same (when I am not at work)...

After four years of being a barista (early mornings starting a shift at 5:30am), my body will not physically let me sleep past 7:30am. I awake to the sounds of my neighbors getting ready for their days, the bustling of the children heading off to school or the block's dogs barking at the cars going by. I, sometimes rather ungracefully, roll out of bed and grab my smartwatch, preparing myself to tackle the day. I find that, ever since receiving my first iTouch Air, that my life as been filled with ease and an increasing comfort in what I want to do for my day. If you are curious about getting a smartwatch for yourself and just curious about how one might even use their smartwatch, this is an example of how I use my smartwatch in a day:

The Mornings

Even after the years of being a barista, I do not consider myself to be a morning person. As much as I enjoyed waking with the sunrise and starting my commutes to the first peaks of its rays, it always took me about two cups of coffee and about an hour or so of being awake to actually feel human. Nowadays, I often find myself still in need of the perfect morning coffee and that hour to wake up. I tread downstairs to my kitchen, grabbing my trusty French Press and coffee, and make myself a brew. I usually set a quick timer on my smartwatch to get the perfect cup, using the watch's built in timer to ensure that everything turns out to be the best it can be. As I enjoy my cup of coffee, I usually will check the weather, seeing how the day will turn out. With the built in weather app, I get a full-well rounded view of the weeks weather report, getting everything from the lowest-to-highest temperatures and even whether it will be sunny or rain. With this, I usually will adjust my plans for the day, deciding if I will go out and enjoy the weather or stay inside and do some work.  

As a writer, I usually try to set a time to do some writing in the morning! I set myself up on my desk, focusing on finishing up some personal essays or stories for some publications I am a part of. When writing, I usually have music playing in the background to help me focus, either choosing a playlist from my Spotify or a set of records from my collection. If using Spotify, I will set up my smartwatch to the app, being able to skip or go back to songs on the playlist or even play or pause songs on demand. It can be very useful when a song that may not fit the occasion comes on or even proves to be too distracting. 

The Afternoons

When it comes to my days off, I usually spend my afternoons either with friends or working on my own projects. On my days off, I currently run and co-found a lifestyle magazine that I am constantly on top of. By the time this article is published, I would hopefully have my first print magazine out, one of which I collaborated with many people to make happen. Within my time working, I am calling my co-founder with my watch's dialer to exchange notes, keeping each other up-to-date with the magazine's progress, our Instagram account, messages, and other needs. Using the messaging app, I can send messages to our contributors to keep them in track with our progress as well! With the calendar, I can also be sure to keep myself aligned with our planned schedules, dates, and other events. 

The Nights

At night, I have time to relax and get a workout in. The yoga studio I go to has a 7:30pm yoga class that is truly a gift to the end of my day. I being my smartwatch to track how many calories I burn and my heart rate. They built-in trackers make it a total ease to do so and are great for making sure I get the best out of my routine! 

With this example of how I spend my day with my smartwatch, you can get an idea of what you will surely be able to unlock and explore all the endless things your smartwatch can do! If you have any more questions about your smartwatch or simply want to share with us your favorite things about your smartwatch, follow us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables and drop a comment and like. Also, be sure to check out our new articles published daily!
