How To Keep A Successful Journal

How To Keep A Successful Journal

In one way or another, we all desire to leave our mark in the world and provide a report of why we are here. One of the best ways to do it is by starting a journal. Keeping a journal and recording your thoughts and ideas is one of the most useful and powerful tools you can adapt into your life, providing numerous benefits that can help track your progress, keep reflection of your goals, and provide accountability. 

In one way or another, we all desire to leave our mark in the world and provide a report of why we are here. One of the best ways to do it is by starting a journal. Keeping a journal and recording your thoughts and ideas is one of the most useful and powerful tools you can adapt into your life, providing numerous benefits that can help track your progress, keep reflection of your goals, and provide accountability. If you struggle with trying to keep a successful journal, consider these tips to help.

Find A Form That Works For You

There are many ways to start keeping a journal besides the traditional book and pen. If it works for you, stick with it! Do something that matches your interests and lifestyle. If you are considering other options, here are some ways to help generate a spark in journaling:

  1. Write In A Blogging Format: Consider writing your journal as if you are writing to an audience. Pretending you are sharing your stories, thoughts, and ideas to a crowd can provide a more creative outlet to your journaling experience that differs from the traditional format.
  2. Write and Doodle in A Sketchbook: If you are the more visual type, try drawing out your day and thoughts through sketches and images relating to your mood and feelings. Under each picture, consider writing about each drawing and how it correlates to your emotions. 
  3. Write Through Collaging: If you are the more tactile type, consider journaling through collaging. Cut out pictures and words that relate to your mood and day and create a scene to capture the idea. 

Try To Commit To Journaling Every Day

Within journaling, there are probably going to be days that you do miss writing. However, do not make a habit of it! Writing every day allows for you and your brain to fabricate and recognize progress. If anything, trying journaling at the end of your day. Write about what you are grateful for, or what you want to accomplish within the next day. It is a quick and easy way for you to get engaged with journaling while providing some mental feedback. 

Do Not Fear The Blank Page

Do not be overwhelmed by the blank page in front of you. Take it a little bit at a time - there is no need to stress out about it. Within starting to journal or starting on a new page, start with something small. There is no need to write out the next best novel or masterpiece. When you start writing, you may think that there is nothing interesting to write about. But start with writing about what is on your mind and just let it wander. You will be surprised by how fast you might actually fill up the page. 

Don't Be Afraid Of Being Destructive

Do not be afraid to get messy! Learn to be destructive and get creative with your journaling. Experiment with materials, different paints, or images. Discover what it feels like to throw paint upon the page! Learn to not worry about the outcome. The whole point is to get stuff on the page. You will be surprised how much insight you can gain from the things you collect and the images you create. 

Just Try It

At the end of the day, the only reason that might be preventing you from keeping a journal is the excuse of not having time to do it or not knowing what the outcome will be. It getting passed this excuse, you will actually be surprised how easy it is to start journaling and keep up the practice. Whether you stick to the traditional way of pen and paper or the more creative ways such as drawing and writing, you will eventually see how beneficial journaling can be in the end. 

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