Running A 5k: Why Everyone Should Try It At Least Once

Running A 5k: Why Everyone Should Try It At Least Once

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The average person has never ran a 5k race. However, everyone should do it at least once in their life. There are multiple benefits to running a 5k race - both physically and emotionally. This could be your chance to finally train and get in shape. You've been putting it off for a while and maybe now you can finally start working towards your goal. Keep reading to find out why you should run your first 5k race.

Don't Be Afraid 

Running A 5K Why Everyone Should Do It Once

Running a 5k is perfect if you are a beginner or just have not ran in a while. This goal is definitely attainable with just 7 weeks of practice before race day. If you practice 3 times a week, you will be prepared to finish the race with ease. Even if you are not completing, running is super beneficial for your overall heath. Running can burn up to approximately 700 calories per hour. It also helps to flatten your abs and tone the body. The best way to train for this race is to slowly build up your stamina. This can be achieved by doing intervals of both walking and running. Simply start by doing 2 minutes of walking and then 2 minutes of running for about 30 minutes. Each week, try to decrease the amount of walking you are doing. A common mistake is that people run as fast as they can for as long as they can. This is harmful to your muscles and can often exhaust the body. By being properly prepared, you lessen your chances of getting hurt, while increasing your ability to participate in the run (and potentially winning).

Increase Your Body's Health 

Running A 5K Why Everyone Should Do It Once

Running is actually the best thing you could do for your body, especially if you want to achieve weight loss or manage your weight. With every mile you run, your body burns about 100 calories. Then after, for every 10 minutes, you burn another 100 calories. Running shorter intervals are better than any other form of cardio. As you get older, running becomes better for you. This is because it increases the body's bone density. Exercises like running, jogging, and walking all help keep your bones stronger. Another one of the many benefits that running has to offer is that it allows the body to use oxygen more efficiently. This makes your heart and lung muscles stronger. This also can help you to avoid disease and live longer! We all want to live until we reach 100, right? By running long periods of time and sweating, you can actually clear up your skin. Sweating is a proven way to clarify the skin, detox the body from toxins, and also prevent colds and the flu

Mental Benefits 

Running A 5K Why Everyone Should Do It Once

As you have read, there are many physical benefits of running, but there are also many mental benefits as well. Mental health is such an important aspect to take note of and running is the solution! Running deceases symptoms of depression, as it is now used as a form of treatment for patients with psychotherapy. Running is also beneficial for children because it can increase learning abilities. It improves the body's ability to learn and retain information for longer periods of time. It also increases the neurotransmitters in the brain that are associated with the cognitive functions, works to sharpen your memory, and protects the brain from aging. For people with anxiety, running a 5k is a great way to lessen their symptoms.  The vigorous activity helps to relax the body and may even work as a form of natural medication. Additionally, running is great for other aspects of mental health such as better sleeping habits, boosts self-esteem, and increases creativity.    

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