Protein Powder For Weight Loss: Is It Really Necessary?

Protein Powder For Weight Loss: Is It Really Necessary?

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It's a given that your body needs protein to function - but is protein powder necessary as well? We'll do anything to reach the right amount each day, but it becomes a whole different playing field when weight is involved. If you've been thinking of using protein shakes for weight loss, then keep reading below!

Is Protein Powder Necessary?

Protein Powder For Weight Loss: Is It Really Necessary?

If you want a true and honest opinion - no. Protein powder is not necessary because you can easily get the same amount of protein from natural sources. This includes eggs, chicken, fish, beans, milk, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. The only exception is if you're an athlete, in which you do need more protein each day since you're burning it off quicker. On the other hand, you can have a protein shake if it's more convenient for you. Especially when you're busy, it's easy to grab a shake than cook a whole protein meal. Just keep in mind that it's never a good idea to take dietary supplements you don't need. So if you're content with you weight, you don't want the extra protein to turn into excess calories. 

Protein Powder For Weight Loss

Protein Powder For Weight Loss: Is It Really Necessary?

Many people use protein powder for weight gain, but it can be the secret for weight loss as well. When you have four or more hours between meals, having a protein shake as a snack can help keep you full. This then prevents you from having unhealthy snacks or overeating when you do have your next meal. Additionally, some protein powders can increase your protein intake without adding a lot of extra calories or fat, thus potentially leading to weight loss. Consuming enough protein also helps prevent muscle loss, which will keep your metabolism increased and moving. 

How To Choose A Protein Powder

Protein Powder For Weight Loss: Is It Really Necessary?

If you still want to use protein shakes for weight loss, then it's important to know what protein powder to use. Not all protein powders are created equal - for example, plant-based forms often digest more slowly than others. Then whey-based protein powder can be loaded with artificial sweeteners, so be sure to always check all the ingredients. We'll reiterate again - protein shakes can contain a lot of calories, so taking in too much can lead to weight gain. Another way to tell you're consuming too much protein is if you suddenly feel bloated. Besides comparing ingredients, you should also compare serving sizes. Look for protein powders with 12-15 grams of protein per serving. Anything higher are most often combinations with added sugars, amino acids, vitamins, and other ingredients that are not needed in excess. If you follow these basic guidelines, you'll be on your way to safely using protein powder in no time!

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