Best Time Of Day To Exercise To Lose Weight

Best Time Of Day To Exercise To Lose Weight

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Did you ever think that the time of day you exercise can actually affect the amount of weight you can lose? A recent study looked into morning exercises versus afternoon and the benefits of both. If you're wondering when to exercise to lose weight, then check out the science behind the best time of day to exercise to lose weight.

Best Time Of Day To Exercise To Lose Weight

Best Time Of Day To Exercise To Lose Weight

The results conclude that the best time of day to exercise to lose weight is right when you wake up - before even eating anything. Working out on a completely empty stomach may not sound great, but this "fasted state" is actually what prompts your body to burn more fat. Compared to exercising at other times or in a "fed state," you can maintain a healthy waistline, prevent weight gain, and retain healthy insulin levels. Your body will also continue burning more fat throughout the day, which helps shed off more weight. You'll want to set an alarm for bright and early now!

Benefits Of Morning Exercises

Best Time Of Day To Exercise To Lose Weight

You know the benefits of night workouts, but what are the other benefits of working out in the morning? First off, it establishes a routine for you to help you stay on track with your fitness goals, daily schedule, and sleep cycle. It's actually been proved that people who exercise in the morning experience deeper, longer sleep than those who exercised in the afternoon or evening. In addition, morning workouts are one of the best ways to feel energized and prepared for your day, so you'll have a natural boost of energy and sense of happiness. Exercising in the morning can reduce your blood pressure by 10%, which is carried through the remainder of the day and leaves you less stressed. 

Benefits Of Afternoon Exercises

Best Time Of Day To Exercise To Lose Weight

If you're not a morning person, you can still get an array of benefits from working out in the afternoon. Mid-day exercises also reduces stress and improves sleep, however a great benefit is that you have higher hormone levels in the afternoon. One is Irisin, which boosts your metabolic rate, helps shed some extra fat, and burns fat cells in energy. Additional hormones include testosterone which builds muscle, Peptide YY which manages hunger, and endorphins which helps you to exercise longer and harder. Furthermore, you'll have easier muscle functionality in the afternoon since you already been using your muscles for majority of the day. Therefore your body is warmed up and afternoon exercises are actually easier on the body, leading to fewer injuries. Pretty cool, right?

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