4 Tips On How to Burn Visceral Fat

4 Tips On How to Burn Visceral Fat

Visceral fat, also know as belly fat, is found in the abdominal cavity. It can be very harmful to your body and can contribute to various diseases. It is nothing to ashamed of because everyone has it, even those who have flat abs. Luckily, you can fix this. Continue reading for 4 tips on how to burn visceral fat.

Burning Visceral Fat Tip #1: Diet

4 Tips On How to Burn Visceral Fat

Diet is a big factor that can help to reduce visceral belly fat. You can try working with a dietitian to speak about personal habits that you can change to help fight the visceral fat. Your total fat intake should only be 20-30% of your total calorie intake. Saturated fats like animal fats, palm oils, and processed foods should be kept to 7% of your total calories. You should eliminate trans fats completely from your diet. A good nutrition plan should include fresh fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates such as beans, lentils, and fiber. You can also try a low-carb diet. This has been proven to show strong results in reducing visceral fats. People who follow a low-carb diet can lose 10% more visceral fat and 4.4% more total fat compared to those who choose to do a low-fat diet. Keto diets can also be helpful in minimizing visceral fat. This is another low-carb diet that you can follow. Another dietary change that you can make is to change the oils you are cooking with. Try using peanut, olive, canola, or sesame oils. These can be good fats if you use them in moderation. 

Burning Visceral Fat Tip #2: Exercise 

4 Tips On How to Burn Visceral Fat

Exercise is another aspect of life that you can change to help eliminate visceral fat. You should be exercising for at least 30 minutes a day. If you can reduce your body weight by 10%, you can lose visceral fat. However, this works with the number of calories you are consuming. You must burn more calories than you are consuming. Your calorie count should be in the negative. Activities like circuit training, brisk walking, or biking can help. Anything that can accelerate your heart is perfect. High-intensity training can also help. This can keep you burning calories even after you have completed your workout. Any type of cardio or aerobic workout will do the trick to help you with visceral fat. If you are exercising more, you will be more productive during the day, which can lead to a better night's sleep at the end of the day. You can try increasing the number of hours you sleep. People who do not get enough sleep tend more to gain more weight than those who do. 

Burning Visceral Fat Tip #3: Reduce Your Alcohol 

4 Tips On How to Burn Visceral Fat

Some alcohol can be beneficial to your health, but excessive amounts can have adverse effects. Alcohol contains massive amounts of calories, which as stated before can contribute to more visceral fat. Drinking a lot of alcohol can force fats to become stored as visceral fats. By lessening the amount of alcohol you drink, you can significantly shrink your waistline and minimize visceral fat. You do not have to give up altogether, but simply limit the amount you are drinking. There are also certain drinks that contain more calories than others. Sugary drinks combined with alcohol can set you back immensely. If you can limit the amount and days you are drinking, you can reduce the amount of visceral fat. 

Burning Visceral Fat Tip #4: Reduce Stress 

4 Tips On How to Burn Visceral Fat

Stress can also be a factor when considering visceral fat. Stress can stimulate the body's adrenal glands and cause it to produce more cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Too much cortisol can contribute to visceral fat.  Besides this, stress has many other side effects and people handle it in different ways. If you are someone who craves food when stressed, this will increase your calorie count and lead to gaining more belly fat. Women who have larger hips in relation to their thighs are a marker for visceral fat. With this, these women tend to produce more cortisol when stressed. There are many factors that can be used to reduce stress, thus reducing visceral belly fat. Some activities you can try to do to relieve stress is exercising, meditation, or spending time with family or friends. 

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