3 Unwritten Gym Rules To Follow For Proper Gym Etiquette

3 Unwritten Gym Rules To Follow For Proper Gym Etiquette

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Gym rules aren't just for newbies, as many returning guests need a refresher every once in a while. Rules are in place to keep you and other gym goers safe, but also to help you feel more confident, comfortable, and get the most out of your gym visit. Here are 3 unwritten gym rules to follow for proper gym etiquette!

Gym Etiquette Tip #1: Cleanse Your Body, Clothes, & Equipment

3 Unwritten Gym Rules To Follow For Proper Gym Etiquette

Hygiene is a super important gym etiquette since it tends to be hot and there are a lot of people sweating in one place. Therefore the first unwritten gym rule is cleansing yourself and everything you touch. If you already smell before your workout, there's no harm in showering both before and after so you don't stand out in a bad way. Be sure to pack your gym bag accordingly with deodorant and other toiletries to remain as fresh as possible. In addition, take out those sweaty gym clothes and wash them. Don't let them sit in your locker or bag because other people can smell those too. Moving on from your body, it's also essential to keep cleanliness in mind when sharing equipment. Use a towel or sanitary wipe and clean all the surfaces your skin touches when you're done using equipment. Everyone around you will appreciate it, as you would want the same done for you. Would you sit down in a pool of someone else's sweat? Didn't think so.

Gym Etiquette Tip #2: Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

3 Unwritten Gym Rules To Follow For Proper Gym Etiquette

This unwritten gym rule is key for proper gym etiquette. You must be aware of your surroundings and every single person in the gym. When stretching or warming up, make sure you're not blocking any walkways. When you're in the weight area, grab your dumbbells and step away - don't continue to stand directly in front of the whole rack. Most importantly, give people space. Keep your head up and pay attention to where you're walking, move slowly and wide if somebody is lifting a weight, and don't stand directly next to someone without giving them full range of motion. Furthermore, you don't want to block someone's view of the mirror. People like to watch themselves in the mirror - they're there for a reason. When you see someone looking intensely at themselves, do your best to stay out of their line of sight. It's that simple.

Gym Etiquette Tip #3: Act Like It's Your Equipment

3 Unwritten Gym Rules To Follow For Proper Gym Etiquette

What if all the stuff at the gym was yours? How would you treat it? The last unwritten gym rule is to act like it's your equipment. This means after you finish an exercise, put whatever you used back where it goes. Clean up as you go, put weights back in the same order for the next person, and don't drop the dumbbells. This gym etiquette seems like common sense, but many forget to respect the equipment they're using. You are a guest at the gym, and the equipment can be very expensive. Not to mention, you can cause an injury for yourself or others if items are misplaced. Thus be careful and take care of everything you use, and be sure to report any broken machines or tools immediately. 

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