Why Personal Trainers Should Give Fitness Trackers To Clients

Why Personal Trainers Should Give Fitness Trackers To Clients

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Wearable trackers have been rocking the fitness industry now more than ever. Typically they're used personally for one individual. Has it ever crossed your mind though how gyms and fitness instructors can use them to their advantage? Here's why personal trainers should give fitness trackers to clients.

Effectiveness Of Wearables

Why Personal Trainers Should Give Fitness Trackers To Clients

Wearable technology is only effective when people know how to interpret the information given and know what to do with it. This is where trainers and coaches come in and can make a difference. Studies show that it's a combination of both a fitness tracker and personal trainer that helped clients maintain their goals over time. When fitness professionals embrace wearables and use the data to their advantage, it can greatly improve business and help their clients meet their goals.

Fitness Trackers & Group Fitness

Why Personal Trainers Should Give Fitness Trackers To Clients

As mentioned earlier, fitness trackers don't have to be used just for a single individual. In fact, personal trainers should give fitness trackers to clients because wearables can make group fitness more personal. It helps trainers and coaches measure the functional states of a client’s body, evaluating their progress and can tell when it’s appropriate to push a person more. With the attainable data and personal coaching, it makes it a step up from traditional group exercise classes. No one is left out, it's understood that everyone is different, and a personal trainer can make decisions based on each client’s individual states and goals. 

More Attainable Health Goals

Why Personal Trainers Should Give Fitness Trackers To Clients

For every health and performance goal a client has, there are metrics to measure it. Therefore as a coach, you can help your clients identify at least one thing on their wearable that’s supporting that goal. By providing a metric to focus on, thanks to wearable technology, you give your client a concrete way to engage with their goal. People want to know that it's attainable and can be achieved over a certain amount of time. Both trainers and clients can easily track their progress, and they’ll be more likely to come back week after week.

Less Overtraining & Injury Risk

Why Personal Trainers Should Give Fitness Trackers To Clients

The goal of training is to apply a stimulus so the body will adapt and recover and get stronger and better. No one will know when the body had enough though without both a personal trainer and fitness tracker. With more data, you can see the amount of stress load you're putting on a client, if it's too much or too little, and make decisions from there to train harder and recover better. The data given will help them prevent injuries, aches, pains, and from falling short of their goals due to fatigue. Therefore no matter what your goals are, wearables and data can help prevent roadblocks that stand in the way of your clients’ success. Fitness devices are only going to get more accurate and measure more things, so think of coaches and wearables joining forces to help more people more effectively.

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