How To Spring Into Spring-Cleaning

How To Spring Into Spring-Cleaning

You do not have to be the Marie Kondo of your neighborhood to ensure your house is looking its best. Believe it or not, spring cleaning does not have to be a tiresome activity or a boring old hassle! It easy to get caught up in the winter blues when the house is a mess, but when the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, why would you ever want to be stuck in a dirty house until summer. Take the time to do a little spring cleaning so you can treat yourself to the outdoors and enjoy the things that you actually want to do. 

You do not have to be the Marie Kondo of your neighborhood to ensure your house is looking its best. Believe it or not, spring cleaning does not have to be a tiresome activity or a boring old hassle! It easy to get caught up in the winter blues when the house is a mess, but when the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, why would you ever want to be stuck in a dirty house until summer. Take the time to do a little spring cleaning so you can treat yourself to the outdoors and enjoy the things that you actually want to do. Here are some very easy and practical tips that can help you spring into spring-cleaning!

Start Room By Room

In starting your spring-cleaning regime, it is suggested by even the goddess herself Oprah Winfrey to dividing the day into room-by-room. Throughout the day, you would start off with cleaning the bathrooms, starting with spraying down everything with strong cleaning agents while then moving onto other rooms while you let the cleaning products settle and set. From there, you can tackle the bedrooms, the kitchen, and finally family rooms (such as the living room, dining room, etc). Each room should be designated with at least an hour or two of time. In scheduling your day, consider the following:

  • THE BATHROOM - 9AM to 10AM
    • Vacuum and Wipe The Walls And Ceilings - It is suggested the you first vacuum the walls and ceiling of the bathroom, using the brush attachment, to help tackle all the grime build up that can occur. After, taking an all-purpose cleaning, wipe down that walls and ceiling, wiping as many areas as you can. 
    • Toss Any Rugs Into The Washing Machine
    • Wash Mirrors and Windows - Using a microfibre cloth as they do not leave any lint, wash and wipe down the mirrors and windows of the bathroom.
    • Spray and Soak - Spray any surfaces and appliances with a strong cleaning agent, leaving on for fifteen to twenty minutes (when you can gather the rugs to toss into the washing machine). When you come back, rinse everything off, starting from the top down. Do not reuse any clothes you have used to clean the bathroom. Throw them into the washing machine to clean. 
  • THE BEDROOMS - 10AM to 12:30PM
    • Vacuum and Wipe The Walls And Ceilings | Dust All Surfaces - Vacuum and wipe the walls of your bedroom just like you did in the bedroom, being sure to get every surface. Dust any surfaces in the room as well, being sure to wipe down areas that are easily forgotten like the door frames, windows, and heating vents.
    • Let It Breathe - In airing out the room can you help reduce the number of allergens and germs in your mattress. 
    • Wash Your Bedding - If you are transitioning from winter bedding to spring, it is suggested that you still wash your winter bedding before putting it away, as it will help reduce the risk of collecting insects or moths during storage. 
    • Clean Window Treatments
    • Wash Mirrors and Windows
  • THE KITCHEN - 12:30PM to 2PM
    • Clean Your Refrigerator and Freezer - Empty all containers, shelves, and storage areas of both appliances, storing any perishable items in a cooler. Turn off the fridge, and allow for the shelves to come up to room temperature, as cleaning them when cold can cause cracks. When everything warms up, it is suggested that you mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 quart of hot water to wipe everything down. Rinse when finish and dry. Go over the door seals with a mixture of hot water and a mild dishwashing soap. 
    • Degrease Oven and Cooking Appliances - Scrub down all appliances with soapy steel wool pads and use hot water to rinse. 
    • Wash Surfaces and Cabinets
    • Sweep, Vacuum, and Mop Floors
    • Dust Any Ceilings Fans or Lights
    • Vacuum and Wipe Walls and Ceilings
    • Care For Your Couch - Wipe down any surfaces of the couch with an upholstery cleaner, being sure to clean any stains that may have settled into the couch or sofas.
    • Wash Your Lightbulbs - Use a microfibre wipe to clean any lightbulbs
    • Clean Window Treatments 
    • Cleans and Wipe Down Any Electronics
    • Clean The Carpets

Celebrate and order pizza!

Declutter Your Space

In shaping up your space for spring-cleaning, consider taking time to declutter. Decluttering your rooms can help you stay organized while also getting rid of unnecessary items that you do not need. The more clutter you have, the more psychological issues that can be arise. A study was shown that the more cluttered your space is, there is a higher risk of stress or other anxiety that can take place. Set a time to organize your closets, dust and organize your office space, or even going through a junk drawer. You may be surprised by how fresh you feel after you clean! 

Get Your Family Involved

In helping you clean your house, try getting your family involved. Even the most unwilling of helpers can aid in getting your tasks done faster. There are a number of ways to get your family involved, such as splitting up the rooms they clean, designating tasks, and providing some incentive within the end of your project. It is a great way to get everyone involved and work together to concur a common goal. Trying playing some music, put on a video, and find some fun way to make the time pass! 

With these tips, spring cleaning can be an ease! Share with us your favorite spring cleaning tips by following us on Instagram @itouchwearables and Facebook @itouchwearables and by dropping a comment and like. Also, be sure to check out our new articles published daily!
