Face Masks From Your Kitchen

Face Masks From Your Kitchen

You’re broke. You’re busy. You’re freaking out. And… you’re breaking out. The good news is that you can put the money you spent on healthy groceries to good use. You can achieve clarity with face masks from your kitchen, which is pretty cool. They'll be made from all natural ingredients, so you’ll be looking more radiant in no time. Not to mention, you’ll save A LOT of money. Whether you have dry or oily skin, there’s something for everyone. Try one of these out below!

Face Masks For Oily Skin

If you’re acne prone, mix together strawberries, lemon juice, yogurt, and honey. Strawberries contain salicylic acid, which is great for treating pimples. Furthermore, lemon juice is known for tightening pores and removing dead skin skills, leaving your face brightened and new. Remember: what’s good for your inside is good for your outside, too. Yogurt and honey act as antibiotics, so why not make a little extra for a healthy smoothie later on.

Papaya Face Masks

Face Masks From Your Kitchen

Another way to brighten skin is through a papaya. Papayas are rich in antioxidants, therefore it contains enzymes that break down old skin, leaving you with a glowing complexion. This one is more suited for aging skin, looking to add radiance and youth. However, it’s never too early to start saving your skin!

Brown Sugar Face Scrub

Face Masks From Your Kitchen

If you’re looking for a simple face scrub, then here it is. Mix together brown sugar and virgin olive oil, and apply it all over your face as an exfoliate. After washing it off, you’ll be left with baby-soft skin and a fresher face than ever. Only complete this once daily though so your skin doesn’t dry out from its natural oils.

Avocado Face Masks

The first face mask is for those with dry, peeling, or rough skin. Simply mash up half an avocado and mix in honey, yogurt, coconut oil, or olive oil. The avocado replenishes moisture, while the other supplements assist with softening and soothing the skin. There’s really no better way to prep your skin!

Chocolate Face Masks

Face Masks From Your Kitchen

Chocolate can work wonders for your mood and cravings, so why not have an excuse to rub it all over your face? Cocoa contains antioxidants that help protect your skin from environmental stressors and reduce aging, while also helping with the production of collagen. Add honey and yogurt for extra hydration, and be left with the sweetest face out there. Ground coffee can be applied as well to help reduce swelling and puffiness you may have.

Face Masks For Rosacea

For those of you with rosy cheeks, we’ve got your rosacea covered! Redness can quickly be reduced by combining yogurt, apple cider vinegar, honey, and green tea. The vinegar helps stabilize the pH of your skin, while the other additions help moisturize. Oatmeal is also added to lessen the irritation.

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