How To Maintain A Work And Social Life

How To Maintain A Work And Social Life

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Face it - there's so much pressure around working AND maintaining a social life. It's difficult to get everything done without feeling stressed, and it can feel overwhelming when trying to balance everything. Lucky for you, there are ways to help this and make you feel like a human again. Here are some steps on how to maintain and work and social life.

Plan & Schedule Your Time

How To Maintain A Work And Social Life

This is a great way to make use of the calendar app on your phone or smartwatch. Take the time to add your work schedule, due dates, and any other important reminders. Then you can easily set aside specific times throughout the week to focus on things like laundry, the gym, and social outgoings. This is also a great way to identify and eliminate time-wasting activities. You need to plan and organize your actions in order to avoid these unnecessary tasks. Then you'll have more time to balance the more important things in your life.

Work Ahead & Don't Procrastinate

How To Maintain A Work And Social Life

Scheduling your activities will also help you stop pushing your tasks to a later time. Procrastinating only leads to a longer to-do list and makes it look like you have an absurd amount of work at once. Then it's harder to motivate yourself to get started when your work is piled up. That's why it's crucial to get ahead on your work to help reduce stress-based procrastination, and allow more time in the future to hang with your friends to just relax. To do this right, you should go about each day by checking off tasks as you complete them, and then set goals for the next day with an allocated time. 

Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize

How To Maintain A Work And Social Life

You have to organize your work in a meaningful way, depending how important it is and when it's due. Be sure to keep checking your schedule and prioritize your list so you focus on what is important first. Then, you can knock out smaller assignments and outings afterwards. Knowing you completed bigger tasks will make you worry less and help you feel more balanced and relax. Sometimes work has to come first, but don't forget about your friends after you're done.

Make Time For YOU

How To Maintain A Work And Social Life

The most important thing to do to maintain a work and social life is to always make time for yourself. We can so easily become a workaholic and forget about our own well-being. Take time to relax your mind and have some time set away from work or school. This could be spending time with friends and family, or perhaps working out and practicing meditation yourself. Whatever you do for self-care, be sure to treat yourself and clear your head every once in a while.

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